Where did this whole "Deli Ohio" idea come from?
RYAN: After working in and out of restaurants for many years, I figured it was time to place some bets on myself and see what I could do. When we decided to return to Ohio, we took fond memories and some of the core focus points of one of our favorite spots in Nashville called Mithchell Delicatessan. While we truly loved their sandwiches and menu, what we really loved about the place was how much they did in house and how they supported local businesses, farms, butchers, and bakeries. It seemed to make a lot of sense for a place like Canton, Ohio, where the resources were available yet underutilized at the time.
What is Deli Ohio’s vision and role in the Canton community?
RYAN: Our vision for Deli Ohio has always been to create an amazing sandwich and dining experience while supporting our local economy and building strong relationships in Canton. As I mentioned before, we wanted to bet on ourselves and a large part of that meant purchasing our own property, not just renting a restaurant space that was already built out. We did this because we wanted to establish our roots as a permanent staple of our community on a little vacant corner of 4th & Walnut. While we want everyone to enjoy our food, we truly feel called to be a part of the revitalization of Downtown Canton and the surrounding neighborhoods. We continually work with local organizations, businesses, non-profits, and neighbors because we believe that a rising tide will lift all boats . . . and also because only making sandwiches and doing nothing else sounds boring.
Our vision for Deli Ohio has always been to create an amazing sandwich and dining experience while sup-porting our local economy and building strong relationships
in Canton.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Rick, Jolene, (Eleanor), Ashten, (Lillian), Ryan
Who are these "Decision Makers," anyway?
RYAN MILLER is the General Manager, CEO, CFO, Head Custodian, Visionaire, Loudmouth, and co-owner of Deli Ohio.
ASHTEN TULLAR is Ryan’s best friend, spouse, and co-owner of Deli Ohio and is the soundboard of reason for all of Ryan’s crazy ideas, speaking wisdom and helping to keep us on the straight and narrow. Ashten used to work at Deli Ohio when we first opened and created the coveted Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. She decided to continue her college education and pursue her State Licensure for Massage Therapy (something both she and Ryan went to school for when they were young and first married). She now owns her own business, Illuminate Massage Therapy & Wellness, also located in Downtown Canton.
JOLENE TULLAR is a co-owner of Deli Ohio and has retired from working in the shop part time. Jolene started her career at Deli Ohio helping assist during the demolition and build out phase by cleaning the construction site, stacking lumber, and painting as we transformed the building into Deli Ohio. Once we opened the doors Jolene continued to work part-time until the Global Pandemic of 2020, which helped her realize how nice retirement could be.
RICK TULLAR is a co-owner of Deli Ohio and is the IT guy we call when Ryan can’t figure out how computers work. In the early days when we couldn’t afford to pay an adequately sized staff, Rick would volunteer hours on First Friday and during Saturday shifts.
With this brilliant crew, every day at Deli Ohio is a salad-making, catering-packing, bread-baking, sammie-slinging, veggie-chopping good time! We couldn't do what we do without them!
Having owned and operated his own restaurant for seven years, Phil brings to the table a cornucopia of foodie knowledge and skill sets. Phil seeks to learn from others with humility, yet we could all stand to learn a thing or two from him, too. I mean, the man has climbed a mountain for goodness sake!
Reed has been with Deli Ohio from the start. He’s a stalwart employee, who can do pretty much anything that needs done around here. However, he’ll protest that statement because he will have read it through a critical Marxist lens. He also moonlights as a jingler.
Nick is a kindhearted, affable lad, who radiates positivity like a walking hug. Aptly, he is working toward a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Akron. When he’s not keeping families together, you can find him drawing or listening to Charli XCX--or both!
Tiff is our resident baking mastermind. She’s a quiet, creative soul, who experiences the world in a unique and thoughtful way. Her dog, Clementine, is probably cuter than yours.
Terry came out of retirement just to delight you with his warm demeanor. When he's not at the register, you can find him grilling burgers or spending quality time with his seven grandchildren--or both! Oh, yeah, he's also Ryan's dad.
Katrina is a creative, cat-loving, dog-owning wallflower with the voice of a . . . well . . . a vocal coach. Because when she’s not taking your sandwich order, you can find this Malone University Music Production grad teaching voice lessons or leading worship at First Church of the Resurrection.